Friday 14 May 2010

A festival with a difference

By Alex Dodds

Summer is fast on approach, and it’s the time of year that students and young people adore…festival season. However, things could be a little different from crowd surfing and getting beer thrown all over you, as this year sees the return of the walking festival.

This event has been increasing in popularity over recent years and is gaining more and more followers. The festival lasts a total of 12 weeks and has been given the fresh new title “Explore Kent”. The aim of the activity is to show local residents what is on their own doorsteps and the beauty that is to be seen in Kent. And with the ash cloud expected to halt even more expeditions abroad this year, something like this is exactly what is needed to fill the void. Senior project officer for Explore Kent Rebecca Hoffman said “We know it won’t appeal to everyone, but families, groups of friends and people wanting to meet others will really enjoy it. “It really is an underestimated activity. There are stunning guided walks around the coastline and countryside for a range of abilities for different types of people”.

The festival went underway just over two weeks ago in Sturry Road, Canterbury and kicked off with a family fun day. There was a total 900 people that attended, with 150 of those attendees joining in with the walks.

This revolutionary festival has also been aimed at tackling some of the severe health problems that the country is experiencing at the moment. Obesity and depression are at the forefront of this. The Explore Kent teams have worked closely with NHS officials in order to carry out research about the beneficial effects of walking. Rebecca Hoffman explained, “Prevention is easier than cure. This activity is extremely important in maintaining good health. It makes people feel better mentally so they can tackle their problems head on.”

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