Friday 14 May 2010

Bands at the Belmont Confirmed for 2010

By Joe Gustafson

It has been announced Bands at the Belmont will return to Whitstable this summer with X Factor star Ben Mills heading the bill after last year’s event turned out a huge success. The music event hosted at Whitstable FC’s ground, The Belmont, also includes last year’s performers Hullabaloo and Rubber Biscuit.

Where as last year the event was held in May, this year it has been pushed forward to 19th June in a bid to avoid the torrential rain, which poured down upon Whitstable last year. Event organisers also have claimed that they have managed to cut queue’s for the beer tent which last year were reported to have up to 90 minute waits, organiser Neil Harrison has said ‘We are also hiring a 36-feet long marquee as a beer tent to ensure no one has to wait so long to get a drink. That is our biggest priority.’

The Kent Estate Agencies employee has been looking ahead to what should be a memorable night “This is Whitstable’s biggest open-air music event. It features local bands playing to local people raising funds for the local football club’ adding, ‘We have put it back five weeks in a bid to avoid the rain of last year and have switched it to a Saturday to give people more time to get ready.’

Doors will open at 5pm and the first of three bands will begin their set at 6.30pm. Tickets £10 in advance and £15 on the door and are now available either by purchasing directly from Kent Estate Agencies, the Labour Club, Turbo Print as well as the football ground. Tickets can also be purchased online by clicking the link below.

Buy tickets now!

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