Friday 14 May 2010

Canterbury Goes Eco in Climate Fair

by Joe Gustafson

Global warming is becoming a bigger and bigger issue and recently Canterbury has decided to get in on the act by hosting is first climate in Canterbury in High Street this weekend on the 15th May. Organizers Greenpeace have managed to bring 35 stallholders for a market that extends from C&H Fabrics up to the clock tower.

The market stalls will have a variety of products available to the public such as organic bread, pedal powered smoothies plus a variety of other environmentally centered products. Members of public will also be able to enjoy some of the exhibits that have been set up alongside the market. The exhibits include electric motorbikes, electric skateboards, road trikes and ecological builders.

Organizer of the fair and Canterbury Greenpeace coordinator John Halladay has been speaking ahead of the fair ‘What I really intended to do was put something together to show the people of Canterbury there are a lot of organisations, groups, charities and so on who are still taking positive steps to try and reduce their carbon output and therefore contribute to the fight against climate change’

Halladay also spoke of his inspiration to bring this event to Canterbury ‘We got the idea for the climate fair towards the end of last year. I had been in Copenhagen at the climate summit trying to make the marches there a success, but it all fell to pieces. I came back determined we should continue to fight somehow, keeping climate change in the public eye. I thought quite a good way to do it would be to bring it onto the streets in Canterbury.’

It seems as though the climate fair will prove very popular for people of all ages in the city of Canterbury but the most pressing matter is making people aware of the threat that climate change can have upon our planet.

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