Friday 14 May 2010

Cameron is PM, what do students think about it?

By Sam Smith, Jamie Feltham and James Crouch

So it’s official; David Cameron is in, Gordon Brown is out and the first coalition government since the 70s is here. We’ve been speaking to students on the Christ Church campus to find out what they make of our new Prime Minister.

"I think he could actually be quite a good PM, I think we have to move on from the Labour government and I don't think anyone can deny that the country has gone back in the years since Blair and Brown have been in charge."

"I like him, but I'm a little bit cautious about where he is going to take the country."

"He's just a top man."

"I don't really think much of David Cameron."

"I'm not sure at the moment, because what I thought of him last week is not the same as what I think of him this week. So the verdict is out.

"I'm disappointed that Gordon Brown still isn't in office."

"I like him, not massive fan of the coalition government, but I;m a bit of Tory boy, so hopefully Cameron will do well."

"I think he tries too hard to be relevant to other people, he calls himself "Dave", doesn't really suit him, no-one really likes him, and I think he's really just a posh boy."

Unsurprisingly, opinion seems to be divided when it comes to our new PM. Like it or not, Cameron is here to stay, for a while at least, with his new deputy PM Nick Clegg and their coalition government. Only time will tell how successful they will be in getting along, and how well they will do in running the country.

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