Friday 14 May 2010

C4 Rugby in a new dimension

By Nicolas Verdier

Two months after the end of the season and with just a few weeks until the end of the academic year, I caught up with Sam Clark, the newly elected president of Christ Church Men’s Rugby Club.

“This year was great but the other members of the committee and I want to take the club to a new dimension,” declared the Sports and Science student.

On the field, this season was brilliant for the 1st XV and the 2nd XV, with both teams finishing second in their respective leagues. While the seconds won the Varsity Trophy for the second year in a row against local rivals from University of Kent 13-7, the first team lost in a close game 7-13.

“The results on the pitch have been great even if we should have won both leagues but we now want to improve off the field. We are looking at bigger and better sponsorship deals. We are also about to sign a deal regarding the kit with Samurai,” he precised.

The new three-year deal will lower the cost of the membership each year for the players. They would have to pay for their kit in their first year but would pay only the membership the following two years saving around £100.

Sam Clark is also looking for a new coach in order to strengthen both squads to win the leagues, Varsity and for a good run in the Cup for the first team.

With new sponsors, a stronger squad and a highly organised new committee, C4 Rugby has got all the cards in hand to have an amazing academic year 2010-2011.

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