Friday 30 April 2010

Pope missing Canterbury on UK visit

by Jamie Feltham and Josh Gray

Disappointment hit Canterbury recently as it was revealed that Pope Benedict XVI will be not be visiting during his trip to the UK from September 16 – 19th this year. The news came with particular surprise seeing as Pope John Paul II included the city in his visit in 1982.

CCCU Student News spoke to a member of staff at the Canterbury Cathedral, one of the main reasons for the Pope to visit “Of course, in 1982 the archbishop and the pope prayed together, so it is a shame. This Cathedral is the mother church of the Anglican Communion. The St. Peter’s Church in Rome was the mother church of the Catholic communion, so that shows how important the Cathedral is to Canterbury.”

We also asked a few students what they thought on the matter. The response was generally one of disappointment, “Personally I think it’s a bit of a disgrace considering its one of the most religious cities in England.” Says first year, Marcus “Just given the Cathedral and the history I think it’s right that he visit.”

Luke Bridgestock, also a first year, agreed, “When people ask you what the most religious place in the country is, the answer is nearly always Canterbury so I think it’s a bit of a joke that he’s not coming and meeting up with the archbishop.” So Canterbury will have to sit this one out it seems.

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