Friday 30 April 2010

“If he’s old enough to vote, he should be old enough to have a say.” Potential teen councillor brings mixed views.

by James Crouch

The news that local teenager Alex Ellis-Roswell, 16, could potentially become the UK’s youngest councillor in the 2011 local elections has been met with a mixed response from the public in Canterbury.

The Libertarian Party member says he has long been interested in politics, and the former pupil of Barton Court Grammar School in Canterbury, hopes to bring fresh ideas to the city. “There is a south east branch but I am planning to set up one in Canterbury to help raise the party’s profile locally in time for the elections” said the youngster.

Some Canterbury residents don’t seem to be so sure, though. Ruth Wood went as far as to call the idea “ridiculous”, as he was “not experienced enough”. The 58 year-old also questioned whether “should someone that young have that responsibility?” 79 year-old Betty Winslow also gave a scathing view, not only on Alex, but also on Kent County Council in general, as she said she had “given up all hope with them.”

Though some remained indifferent to the possibility, others were in fact rather supportive of young Alex, as many argued he deserved as fair a chance as anyone. “I think it’s a good idea – if he’s old enough to vote, he should be old enough to have a say” claimed Lorraine Peachy, herself a former Council Worker. Tim Hedgecock, 29, agreed, remarking “if it can help young people get a say in their local community, it must be a good thing.”

Though many may feel worried about Alex’s lack of experience, others obviously feel it is a step in the right direction for politics. It could well be an opportunity for one youngster, and maybe others in the future, to really make a difference to their local community.

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